The Conference 2018
Hamburg, Germany · November 6, 2018
Care 2025: Innovate, Orchestrate and Elevate
Ljubisav Matejevic
“Please join us in designing Care 2025. We now need to improve the quality and ensure the sustainability of care while increasing efficiencies and balancing costs. Our mission is to reshape care delivery, leverage digitalization and reduce variations in care.
Innovate – By using digital technology and data in a responsible and secure way in order to transform outcomes for patients and citizens.
Orchestrate - By creating interoperability between medical devices, information systems and care management solutions to close gaps and deliver integrated workflows.
Elevate – By safely harnessing the revolutionary developments in technology to fight inequalities and improve access to services, and ultimately, to raise health and social care delivery to the next level.”
Letter of Endorsement
Governments all over the world face the same challenge: how can we provide sophisticated healthcare to a population that lives longer, suffers from chronic diseases, and expects easy access to quality treatment? In Denmark, we have raised public satisfaction with healthcare services, while successfully keeping expenditures in check. However, to tackle healthcare challenges is a process that never stops. So, we welcome the opportunity to present our approaches at Care 2025 and to learn from our international colleagues’ expertise and experience. We highly appreciate the Global Clinical + Care Coordination Forum as an excellent platform for academia, politics, industry partners and civil society to discuss the transformation of care on a global scale.
Hans Erik Henriksen, CEO, Healthcare DENMARK
Program 2018
Please note that the conference program may be subject to changes, and will be updated continuously up to the conference.
Monday, November 5, 2018
18.00 - 21.00
Reception for all conference delegates at the Hotel The Fontenay
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Conference at the Hotel The Fontenay Fontenay 10 20354 Hamburg, Germany
Registration and welcome coffee
Conference Opening / Welcome Address
Ljubisav Matejevic
President, Global Clinical + Care Coordination Forum (GCCCF)
Dr. Cristian Grasu
Secretary of State at Ministry of Health Romania
Artificial Intelligence in healthcare: hype, disillusion, reality. A journey able to re-invent healthcare professional’s skill mix?
Dr. med. Fried-Michael Dahlweid
Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Insel Gruppe
Patient care and privacy laws - the current state of (im)balance
Dr. Eric Liederman
Director of Medical Informatics, Accountable Exec for Privacy & Security, Kaiser Permanente
National Leader, Privacy, Security and IT Infrastructure, The Permanente Federation
Healthcare digitalization beyond the patient record: why workflows need to leave the analogue age
Holger Cordes
CEO, Ascom Group
Coffee break and networking
The EU approach for regional implementation and up-scaling of good health and social care practices
Dr. Nick Guldemond PhD DSc (med)
Associate Professor Integrated Care & Technology, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
Smart detection of Atrial Fibrillation for stroke prevention - new trends and clinical evidence
Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Dörr
Professor for Cardiovascular Prevention and Epidemiology, University Medicine Greifswald
Lunch buffet and networking
Breakout Session - Workshop # 1
Integrate, orchestrate and enable: Ascom’s healthcare platform bridges information gaps to optimize mission critical workflows
Francis Schmeer
Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Ascom Group
Breakout Session - Workshop # 2
Reducing Europe's stroke incidence with highly cost-effective population screening programs for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) - Europe's Horizon2020 winning REDSTROKE project
AF screening and monitoring with smartphones or wearables. Insights into game changing technologies.
Dr. Thomas Huebner
CEO, Preventicus GmbH
How much does smart AF detection and treatment cost in relation to benefits of thereby avoidable strokes - cost-effectiveness analysis in Germany
Dr. Ralf Birkemeyer
Head of Interventional Cardiology, Heart Clinic Ulm
Health relevant data - a key for more value in healthcare. Lithuanian experience.
Justina Januševičienė
Head of Health Care Innovation Development Center,
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Coffee break and networking
Potential and challenges of digitalization - from the management perspective of a hospital group
Jörg Reschke
Chief Financial Officer, Helios Kliniken
Hospitals of the future and healthcare transformation in Denmark
Nadja Kronenberger
Senior Consultant, Healthcare DENMARK
Global trends in healthcare investment and financing
Matthew R. Watson
Managing Director and Founding Partner, Neoqua Capital
Closing Remarks
Cooperation Partner
Media Partners